Welcome to our museum!
The Beverly Heritage Center is the premier history tourism destination in Randolph County, West Virginia. With four significant buildings meticulously restored and merged into one state-of-the-art museum facility, the Beverly Heritage Center will feature important local themes with universal appeal. Professional quality exhibits and compelling stories will delight visitors of all ages. Guests will explore our heritage, the local economy, and leave with a new understanding of stewardship for historic places.

The Exhibits
Our museum showcases compelling stories of Beverly and the First Campaign of the Civil War. Our exhibits, programming, and events will dive deep into Beverly’s significance during the Civil War, and how the Union victory at Rich Mountain paved the way for the formation of a new state; West Virginia.
Events, Programs & Workshops
Plan ahead to visit the Beverly Heritage Center during one of our special events or living history days. Historic Beverly will come alive with reenactors and costumed interpreters to enhance your visit. Our museum also features periodic new and rotating exhibits, as well as a variety of educational programming. See our calendar for programs, special events and workshops.
All About BHC
Here’s the story of how the Beverly Heritage Center came to be!
Learn more and see more about the Beverly Heritage Center’s collections here!
Museum Information
Our buildings are history, too!
The Beverly Heritage Center combines four adjoining buildings in the heart of Beverly into one great heritage attraction.
Included are the 1900 Beverly Bank building, the 1808 Randolph County Court House, the 1907 Hill building and the 1856 Bushrod Crawford / McClellan’s Headquarters building.