Category: Foodways

Beverly Cooks! : Spoon Corn Bread
With the (relative) success of the 1950 Tuna Fish Loaf recipe, I got a bit more ambitious and took on another 1950 recipe, this one a ‘Spoon Corn Bread’ by Mrs. Willa Hill, also from the 1988 Beverly Presbyterian Church cookbook as a returning recipe from the 1950 edition. It did not work out, but I am not sure whether that was user error or the fault of the recipe. Ingredients 1 cup corn meal, 1 cup boiling water, 1 cup sweet milk, 2 eggs, butter (size of an egg), 1 tsp. sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 4 tsp (level) baking…

Beverly Cooks! : Tuna Fish Loaf
In our role as a Heritage Center, we aim to not only use traditional history documentation with artifacts and info panels, but provide a living understanding of the community and present the stories of Beverly and Randolph County in alternative methods. As a part of these efforts I will be conducting a mini foodways series using recipes sourced from Beverly’s community. With all this, I want to acknowledge that I am not an experienced cook, and have chosen recipes that require amateur understanding of technique and tools. There are many more complex dishes in this community that better chefs could…