Supporting development and improvement.
Beverly ON TRAC is the volunteer-led community group working to support place-based development and long-term improvement projects in Beverly. Beverly ON TRAC uses the Main Street Four-Point Approach of Economic Vitality, Design, Promotion & Organization. Our committees meet on a monthly basis in order to work toward their respective goals. We encourage public participation in our organization!

Main Street West Virginia
Beverly ON TRAC is a designated community by Main Street West Virginia Program in the ON TRAC (Organization, Training, Revitalization, and Capacity) program.
Utilizing the National Main Street Four-Point Approach, ON TRAC communities receive technical assistance to work together to advance community and economic vitality goals. In 2017, Beverly ON TRAC received 1st Place in the 2017 Main Street West Virginia Award for our ongoing work to revitalize the town’s historic district and support small business owners.
Beverly ON TRAC’s mission is to unite the citizens of Beverly, West Virginia in utilizing the town’s historical past as a means to stimulate appropriate economic prosperity, community revitalization and civic pride.
Our Vision is that the Town of Beverly will embrace its heritage to insure its future as a location where residents and visitors alike may enjoy the benefits of thriving specialty shops, stimulating museums and well maintained historical homes and buildings while still retaining its small community environment.
- The transformation strategies we are focusing on are:
Cultural Heritage Tourism – attractions focused on our unique stories and assets
Artisans and Antiques – develop clusters of shopping opportunities based on heritage arts, antiques, and local foods
Engaging our neighbors – build relationships and awareness with Beverly, county-wide, and regional residents
Four Point Approach:
- Volunteer Recruitment for Beverly activities
- Fundraising for Beverly ON TRAC and heritage development needs.
- Coordinate Beverly ON TRAC activities
The Beverly ON TRAC Promotion Committee is all about bringing attention to Beverly by organizing events, marketing our attractions and businesses, and working creatively to reach new markets. If you are interested in helping with Beverly’s many special events, or if you want to help bring more shoppers and visitors to Beverly, please join us on this committee.
Promotion / Events Committee Goals
- Review, update, and implement the comprehensive marketing plan with an emphasis on attracting new visitors to Historic Beverly from relevant local, regional, and national markets.
- Raise local awareness of community efforts in Beverly and strengthen partnerships
- Implement active schedule of events (Calendar HERE)
Meetings are generally held on the Second Tuesday of each month at 10 am.
The Beverly ON TRAC Design Committee works on beautification, historic preservation, adopt-a-highway, community gardening, and more. If you are interested in ‘making Beverly shine’ this is the committee for you.
Design Committee Goals
- Implement landscaping, parking and signage for Beverly Heritage Center.
- Make the town look better for visitors and residents, including cleanups, plantings, banners.
- Support redevelopment and quality of life in Beverly, including historic preservation and healthy community projects.
Economic Vitality:
Economic Vitality Goals
- Create actionable redevelopment strategies with the intent to increase the economic vitality of Beverly’s Historic Commercial District through increased collaboration between stakeholders in Beverly and the surrounding area.
- Provide Support for Businesses in the Downtown Commercial Historic District
- Attract Investors and New Businesses for the Adaptive Reuse of Underutilized Historic Buildings in the Commercial Historic District